about anything!
i'm goddamn bored!
except politics, to a certain extent, because i don't care very much about the president and stuff like that.
for some prompts, i am neopagan, a nietzsche reader, lesbian, a casual smoker, rich, mainly a metal listener, decently pro at pokemon, and an avid follower of several anime. contrary to what my profile says, i live in new york city, but i have a strong dislike for what much of american culture has become and would rather live in my mother's hometown of portofino, or maybe kyoto.
if you would prefer not to argue and are simply reading this out of curiosity, please opine upon the effect of urethral secretions of all kinds on freshly fallen snow. have you recently participated in an activity like this? if so, was it fun? did you draw pretty yellow pictures? or was it simply out of necessity? elaborate.
i thoroughly enjoy a serious debate. feel free to challenge me, even though you'll probably lose or end up agreeing with me.